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typing, 2022
performance by das ad hoc in collaboration with the visual artists kleo kreitz and jonas jacobsen. developed for the exhibiton 'corona culture' at alte münze berlin.

'', 2021, ursula blickle lab karlsruhe
lecture-performance originally developed for the exhibition '' at ursula blicke lab in karlsruhe. based on two texts which explore the self as a (gender-)fluid chimera. the lecture-performance was composed of two video loops and a reading.

digital performance 'forever dolphin love II' for &SHY magazine release, 2021
for the release of the 4th issue of ­ magazine.

poetry installation 'entschuldigung, würdest du bitte eine weile an mir riechen?*** // lyrikfest hannover
walk-in sound installation created for the poetry festival 'gegenstrophen' at literaturhaus hannover in 2018. it's based on the text and accompanying soundpiece 'entschuldigung, würdest du bitte eine weile an mir riechen?***
hannah schraven
poet and artist
lyrikerin aus Berlin
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